Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DIY hanger bow and arrow

The shape of my bows are based off an image of a professional bow and arrow that have the nice curvature throughout the bow. The shape of my bows are also influenced because of the hangers I use were twisted at the top; cutting the entire top part off was a challenge with just cut scissor and the bending method. I ending up untwisting the top off and was left with two halves that I later twisted back together and covered with tape. You can shape your bows to have the perfect round curvature or you can also just exclude the top halve of the hanger all together. I also notice after finishing this project that my arrows don’t have that piece at the bottom like some do, I may include them as well before Sabbath.

What I used for this project was

For the bows

  • Wire hangers
  • Scissors
  • Duct tape
  • Black elastic thread

For the arrows

  • 3/16 in. x 12 in. crafter’s dowels
  • Cardstock
  • Adhesive
I made my cut marks in bow with my scissors

I shaped the bottom halve of my hanger to my liking

I snapped the wire where I made my cut marks

I untwisted the top piece, twisted them back together and then I snapped off the hook part of the hanger

I added duct tape to the middle. Duct tape is not necessary for the bottom piece of the hanger but I wanted them to look alike.

I tied tread to one side

I used duct tape to secure the tread in place and repeated the process on the other side.

Finished piece

I don’t have pictures of me making the arrows. For the arrows I cut out two triangle shapes pieces from the cardstock and taped the pieces together with the dowel in between them.

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